Terms and Conditions
All Star-Tastic Gymnastic Academy participants must abide by the following guidelines in addition to the relevant codes of conduct and other policies that the club adopts. By signing the participant’s Contact and Release form you are agreeing that you have read and understood the club rules, code of conduct and commitment to the club.
Please be on time to collect your child and if you have arranged for someone else to pick up the child inform the coach in charge. We ask the child if they see the person who is picking them up.
Parents are not allowed to view classes in the gym. We offer watching weeks, where parents are invited to watch the last lesson of the term every term and we will change the equipment set up to accommodate this. At this session, we hand out our Star of the Term medals and Badges.
Gymnasts must wear appropriate clothing. No skirts, zips, belts or jeans.
Star-Tastic Gymnastic Academy Classes must be in Club Leotards, and Tracksuits and have Kit Bags, Chalk Bags and Grips for each lesson.
Long hair must be tied back as it can be dangerous. Please try to remember a hairband. Coaches will have spares if needed. We may help your children to tie up their hair if they are unable to do it themselves.
Jewellery is not permitted to be worn in the gym during training. We can help your child to tape earrings if they have just been pierced but for no longer than 6 weeks.
Star-Tastic Gymnastic Academy Classes:
Absence / Refunds
to be updated
Admission and Behaviour
Star-Tastic Gymnastic Academy reserves the right to refuse admission and to dismiss pupils at the Head Coaches’ discretion. Warnings will be given and parents will be spoken to about behaviour if needed. We have a three-stage warning system. If you are asked to leave due to unsafe behaviour refunds will not be given. Gymnasts must not go on the equipment without the supervision of the coach. Gymnasts that do not listen, behave in an inappropriate manner, may be a danger to themselves or to others and will be asked to sit out for the rest of the session. This is for the safety of other club members. All our gymnasts are there to have lots of fun, learn new skills and gain confidence. The coaches will make the class safe and fun for everyone.
Class Cancellation
Classes that have to be cancelled due to extreme weather conditions, School Closure or School cancellations, Fire evacuation, or any other extreme unforeseeable circumstances will not be refunded although every effort will be made to re-arrange where possible. Credit may be carried over to the next term at the discretion of the Head Coach.
Snow procedures in the event that the club has to be closed: The safety of children, parents and staff is our paramount concern and any decision to close the club is taken after considering all factors.
- Facebook: We will do a post on Facebook announcing the club is cancelled and at which schools. This will be on both the group and the page.
- Email: We will endeavour to email all parents of the affected classes. This may not always be possible so please refer to steps 1 and 2 if it has snowed heavily overnight. If you find out that the club or school is closed, please contact other parents to let them know.
We aim to let parents know as soon as possible in order to allow other arrangements to be made. We may ask you to ring other parents you know in order to quickly spread the message.
Class Arrival / Departure:
Parents must ensure that their child/children are taken to the door on arrival and collected for the lesson. If any child is travelling alone Star-Tastic Gymnastic Academy must have written confirmation for that child to be allowed to leave. Once children are in Year 7 we do let them leave alone unless told otherwise. The warm-up is very important, try to be on time. If you are more than 15 minutes late you won’t be allowed to join the session. This is for your child’s safety. Inform the coach at the start of a session if gymnasts are feeling ill or injured or if any medical conditions have changed.
Competitions Photo Consent:
By signing up to take part in one of our competitions, you agree to allow photos to be taken of your child either competing or receiving a medal. These photos may be used in promotional materials or on social media/our website. If there is a safeguarding issue surrounding your child and so photos should not be used please email us on academy@startasticgymnastics.com